Thursday, 9 April 2015

Get Well Soon, LOLA

It's been more than a week..
My little pet, in her bed rest..
Weak, sick, do nothing..
Can't eat, can't sleep well..
Often talking in her own ways (don't know exactly she's talking, crying or maybe singing)
How i hope she can talk to me.. How i wish she can share to me her problems..
I know it's terribly torturing for her..
I know she's not young anymore..
But i still can't let it go..
I'm not sure how long she will resist..
Tonight will be the last night we sleep together since tomorrow i might bring her to opname (how i wish she doesn't need to do that.. I hope.. I wish..)
It's totally heartbreaking when i think and look at her..
If can feel her more.. If i can share her burdens...
I believe she's a strong girl..
I believe she can go through this..
God bless her all the way..
May you recovery soon, my cheerful Lola..


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